How to get more customers for your pressure washing business? FOLLOW UP OR FOLD UP

podcast Dec 06, 2022
Following up to double your money


How to get more customers for your pressure washing business? FOLLOWING UP

Have you ever wondered how the top pressure washing businesses always seem to have a consistent flow of customers? It's no secret, they simply follow up with their leads! In this blog post, we'll show you how following up with your leads can help you get more customers for your pressure washing business. Trust us, it's worth the extra effort!

Why following up is important

As a pressure washing business, I understand the importance of following up. It's all too easy to miss out on valuable opportunities if you don't take the time to maintain regular contact with potential clients. In my experience, I've found that it often takes at least two or three touches before someone is ready to move forward. Whether it's a new customer who might need some nudging before they make a purchase or an existing client who needs a gentle reminder about their upcoming appointment, regularly checking in can make all the difference in ensuring that your pressure washing business runs smoothly. By taking the initiative and following up, you put yourself in control and increase your chances of closing a sale — not to mention avoiding any embarrassing oversights. Taking these simple steps ensures that every touchpoint is handled efficiently and professionally, guaranteeing your pressure-washing business is well-regarded in the community. That's why following up is so important — without it, you're much more likely to fall through on follow-ups and miss opportunities for success. When done correctly, however, it can ensure your pressure cleaning business stays profitable for years to come!

How to follow up without being annoying

Following up is an invaluable communication tool, but it's important not to overuse it. After sending an email, I like to wait a day before proactively following up--this gives the other person some breathing room to consider my message and respond in their own time. It also shows respect for their workload and allows them ample space to attend to other priorities. At this point, I like to reach out with either a phone call, text, or email letting them know that I'm still interested in continuing the conversation. This is often enough to prompt a timely response without feeling overly aggressive or intrusive. As long as I'm mindful of the other person's needs and mindful of any follow-ups, I find that most people are appreciative of my efforts and eager to engage in further communication. Following up can be a great way to foster relationships when done properly!

The best times to follow up

Having a pressure washing business can be frustrating at times - especially when it comes to following up with clients. While we want to provide excellent customer service, pressure washing isn't always thought of as an immediate priority in most people's minds. If a client said they're interested, but haven't been prompt in replying, I've found that following up is the best way to move things forward. Of course, you don't want to pressure them for fear of losing the sale; however, if you come off as helpful but not pushy, you can usually get your message across without getting overwhelmed. The best times to follow up tend to be during slower months or within two weeks after sending an initial quote. Additionally, if they reach out with questions via online messages, trying again shortly after might help jog their memory and keep the conversation going. In these cases, sending a reminder or offering some kind of incentive could help reengage them and keep your pressure washing business from falling behind due to slow replies. Ultimately, following up is a great way to stay top-of-mind and ensure that your services don’t get lost among customers who are excited about getting started sooner than later!

What to say when you follow up

As a pressure washing business, staying in touch and showing clients that we care is essential. When following up via email, I like to take the opportunity to remind potential customers of how we can help with their pressure washing needs. To this end, my follow-up emails often include a link to our services page so they can review the range of options available to them. Additionally, I include a brief description of some of the most popular services on offer, such as our driveway pressure washing package and residential soft pressure wash service. This gives them an idea of what solutions we have for their specific needs, as well as a general overview of our approach and values as a pressure washer. Finally, my message always includes an invitation for the customer to get in touch or ask any questions they may have before making a decision - keeping open lines of communication between us helps ensure that all parties are happy with the results when work begins! Ultimately, following up requires not just courtesy but clarity - my goal is never just to pique interest but also to share relevant information about our services so that customers have all the facts before committing. This helps establish trust from day one and set us up for long-term success. In offering top-notch pressure washing services built on attention and awareness, I strive to make sure my business stands out among its competitors. After all, at the end of the day, it's quality that counts!

How often to follow up

Following up on an inquiry or a favor is a tricky situation because it can be difficult to determine the right balance between professionalism and personalization. Too much contact or too frequent follow-up can seem pushy, but not following up enough can leave room for your message to get lost in the shuffle. To keep it professional and show that you are serious about keeping communication open, I recommend following up 1-3 days after you have sent an email if you don’t hear back by then. If needed, you can also write one more polite reminder after 4-7 days before having to move on. It also helps to keep track of who and when you contacted people so that you remember exactly when to follow up and don’t miss any opportunities. Following these guidelines will make sure that your inquiries don't get lost amidst a flurry of emails and that the recipient knows that you are taking their response seriously. Good luck!


Following up is key if you want to make sales, but it's a very delicate balance. You need to be persistent without being annoying and know when the best times are to follow up. With Liam's follow-up series, you can learn everything you need to know about following up so that you can close more deals and make more sales.

⤍  Click here for more information.  

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