Pricing Pressure Washing Services: What You Should Know
Oct 28, 2021
Pressure washing is a dirty job, but it's also one of the most important parts of maintaining a clean and healthy home.
If you're looking for a way to make your pressure washing business more profitable, then you need to know how to price your services correctly.
The best way to price your services is by adding up the time and cost of equipment needed for the job, your overhead expenses, and your profit margin. A good starting point would be to charge $300 per hour. You should also consider raising prices in accordance with the size of the project or the difficulty of the project.
Up to this point, you may have been charging $30 per hour. If that's the case, then you should expect that adding another zero will take some getting used to.
It is important to be aware of your competition and how much they are charging before determining the best possible price for your services. While it's true that you can't simply charge what you think is fair, you should always aim to be competitive.
Pricing pressure washing services isn't an exact science. There are many factors that go into this decision, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to pricing this service. However, it is important to do your research before you settle on a price, or before you change your pricing.
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Charge based on the size of the property and how dirty it is
The size of the property and how dirty it is are two important factors to help you determine how much to charge for your services. If someone is looking to clean their home, it will take about one hour for a driveway and another hour for the house. If someone is looking to clean an office building, it will take about one hour per floor.
The more time that goes into pressure washing, the more you should charge. For example, if someone is looking to hire you for 3 hours of work, then they would owe paying $900 before taxes.
It takes a lot of effort and supplies on pressure washing services which means that these services can be expensive. It's important not to give people the impression that you are overcharging them because they will often find someone else to do their pressure washing for less.
Just like with anything else in life, you need to consider overhead expenses when determining the price of your service.
Set a minimum price for each pressure washing job
It is usually a good idea to set a minimum price for your pressure washing services.
For example, if you are planning on charging $300 per hour, then you should also consider setting a minimum charge of at least one hour. This way, the next time someone offers to pay you less than what you originally agreed upon, you can still claim a minimum amount of money.
People who pressure wash their own homes don't typically do it in one-hour segments, they simply take the equipment from the garage when they have some free time and pressure wash their home in chunks. This can be frustrating for you as a professional because you know how much work goes into each individual job.
Understand the value of your time and services
It is important to charge enough for your services so that you can continue doing what you love and support yourself financially.
The best way to do this is by understanding the value of your time and services. You must also be aware of how much time it takes for such a job as pressure washing, as well as the price of equipment and supplies.
Find out what you can do to increase your rates by using different packages
Packages are a great way to upsell and get our tickets faster. For example, if someone is looking to hire you to clean a driveway and a house, then you could offer them a package for $500 instead of charging them $300 per hour. This is a good way to generate more revenue, especially if you are just starting out.
There are many factors that go into pricing pressure washing services. The size of the property and how dirty it is, overhead expenses, the minimum price for each job all play a part in determining what you should charge per hour or project. You can also use packages to upsell more tickets if you're just starting out.
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